
Jul 10, 2009

are you kidding me?!?!

saw this little blurb on

Johnny Depp Doesn’t Watch His Movies

Johnny Depp is one of the finest and highest-paid actors in Hollywood, but the "Public Enemies" star doesn’t even watch the films that he spends so many months making.

"If the movie does well out there in the world, that's great, but I can't pretend to know anything about it," Depp recently told Tarts. "Once my job is done, they wrap me on set and I've done my character I walk away. I mean 9 times out of 10 I don't even see the movie."

c'mon johnny, i know you are weird and all, but seriously?

1 comment:

brie bird said...

yeah, I first heard him mention that he does not watch his stuff, back when Sleepy hollow came out, I always wondered if he watched pirates anyway . . .

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